Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jonas McBride's Men's Basketball Student-Athlete Blog #1

This last week was a tough one. Professors are trying to wrap up their classes with papers, presentations and tests, while we are trying to balance these things with basketball, friends and still trying to have a little time for ourselves. Some of us also have what are called "little brothers" that we mentor in town, and actually there is a Christmas gift exchange and dinner tonight that some of us will attend.

With basketball, we had just come off a 5-game winning streak before heading to Kentucky to play Asbury and Union on Friday and Saturday. It was a long 5 to 6 hour drive, but after arriving at Lexington, Coach Barber introduced us to a former player at the University of Kentucky named Tony Delk who gave us a complete tour of the players' dorm and facilities. We played Asbury later that night but we didn't play the way we know we can. Our big guy Andy Traeger was injured and we had trouble putting the pieces together. The next night we lost another starter to injury, KJ Hilliard, and had similar troubles meshing like we had been doing before this weekend.

Although we lost both games this weekend we were still successful representing Christ through our actions on the court. Coach teaches us about an idea of Frosty Westering called "The Big Time". This philosophy runs in face of the classic view of winning, which says "winning is everything" and if you aren't #1 you are no one. Even though we are a very capable team, we are starting to realize the truth of the quote from the coach on the movie called "Cool Runnings" where he says to his sled captain, "If you are not enough without the Gold Medal, you will never be enough with it." Whether we are winning or losing we will still hold up our hands when we are charged with a foul, and help up our opponent's when they get knocked down. Our team is not just learning a new way of playing basketball, we are learning lessons for a new way of living life.

-Jonas McBride
(about Jonas)

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